Constitution and BYLaws
WHEREAS we, the congregation of The Old Meeting House of East Montpelier Center, hold in highest honor and esteem the past traditions and the present Christian grace and purpose of all constituted denominations; and
WHEREAS we have already experienced our essential unity of spirit and purpose, and some of the benefits and joys which may be expected to be derived by each of us from a better organized plan of work in this place;
THEREFORE, in order to advance our work for the Kingdom of God in East Montpelier Center, we, the members of The Old Meeting House, do hereby enter into the following covenant and agreement for the purpose and support of one or more ministers, the holding of Services of Divine Worship, and for engaging in other Christian activities.
WHEREAS we have already experienced our essential unity of spirit and purpose, and some of the benefits and joys which may be expected to be derived by each of us from a better organized plan of work in this place;
THEREFORE, in order to advance our work for the Kingdom of God in East Montpelier Center, we, the members of The Old Meeting House, do hereby enter into the following covenant and agreement for the purpose and support of one or more ministers, the holding of Services of Divine Worship, and for engaging in other Christian activities.
Having been led, as we believe, by the Holy Spirit to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord and, upon profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we now enter into covenant with one another as one body in Christ.
We promise, as the Lord shall enable us, to strive daily to live after the spirit and teachings of Jesus Christ and to do all in our power to create a proper atmosphere within the Church and the Community, which will lead others to come into fellowship with God and into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
As a fellowship of Christians, we promise by the help of God to nurture Christian growth in our homes and to minister to the spiritual and material needs of all whom our lives touch. We further promise to strive for the advancement of our Church in worship, in Christian Education, in service, and in fellowship, to observe its sacraments, to attend its services as faithfully as possible, to contribute regularly to its local and missionary enterprise, to unite with another Church when moving or living away, and by personal and collective example, to commend the Christian faith and way of life to all.
May the blessing of God, our Helper and our Guide, be ever with us.
*The RESOLUTION and COVENANT are similar in intent and substance to the INTRODUCTION and COVENANT written in 1965 when the Church was reorganized and the CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS were written. The Bylaws have been revised many times, but in 2004 the Executive Board decided that these sections should remain unchanged as a part of the history of The Old Meeting House.
We promise, as the Lord shall enable us, to strive daily to live after the spirit and teachings of Jesus Christ and to do all in our power to create a proper atmosphere within the Church and the Community, which will lead others to come into fellowship with God and into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
As a fellowship of Christians, we promise by the help of God to nurture Christian growth in our homes and to minister to the spiritual and material needs of all whom our lives touch. We further promise to strive for the advancement of our Church in worship, in Christian Education, in service, and in fellowship, to observe its sacraments, to attend its services as faithfully as possible, to contribute regularly to its local and missionary enterprise, to unite with another Church when moving or living away, and by personal and collective example, to commend the Christian faith and way of life to all.
May the blessing of God, our Helper and our Guide, be ever with us.
*The RESOLUTION and COVENANT are similar in intent and substance to the INTRODUCTION and COVENANT written in 1965 when the Church was reorganized and the CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS were written. The Bylaws have been revised many times, but in 2004 the Executive Board decided that these sections should remain unchanged as a part of the history of The Old Meeting House.